We recommend sex bolts when installing panic bars on non-solid metal doors. The female sex bolt has a knurled barrel that holds steady so that the male sex bolt can secure from the other side. Male sex bolts require Phillip’s flathead screwdriver for installation use. These sex bolts provide a measure of security as there is no way to loosen the sex bolts from the female side of the set. The price includes six units that consist of a pair of one female sex bolt and one male sex bolt.
Panicexitpro.com offers a comprehensive product range to control the movement of entry/exit point doors. It is essential for building owners to be able to strike a balance between opening security, safety ,and durability at a cost that meets business objectives. Panicexitpro.com products are designed to meet the most common installation and application requirements in the commercial marketplace so that these products exceed the needs of customers who value reliable door control products, excellent service, and prompt delivery.
Specifications:Max length= 2 1/4 inches Min Length= 1 7/8 inches
QB ID: Sex Bolts